In this article, you’ll learn how to create, configure, and test webhooks using a webhook site tool and Swagger.
Step 1: Open the webhook site tool. This tool allows you to create a webhook stub.
Step 2: Copy the link provided by the tool. You’ll use this link to configure your webhook.
Step 3: Authorize yourself using your own account.
Step 4: Set the URL provided by the tool.
Step 5: Copy the URL into the payment request report section to set the webhook. After setting the webhook, execute it. If it returns a 200 OK, it means it’s working correctly.
Step 6: Execute the webhook list. This retrieves the webhook you’ve just added.
Step 7: Test your webhook by adding a payment and testing the report added. This is the webhook you’ve just added. Execute it and check for a 200 OK response.
Step 8: You can also configure a webhook for payment request status changes. Find the status change option, copy it, and paste it in place of the report added. Execute this webhook.
Step 9: Close the status change webhook.
Step 10: List your webhooks again. You should now see two configured webhooks: one for report added and another for status changed.
Step 11: Test the status changed webhook. Execute it and check for a 200 OK response. You should now see another webhook call for status changes.